
Personal Branding | Website Design

Brand identity and web design that astonishes the senses.

Are you ready to make waves?


Experience the alchemy of branding.
In this unique one on one branding program, we work together to uncover your signature brand.

Website Design

As unique as your fingerprint.
Whether re-brand or brand-new, every element is designed for optimal form – and function.

your signature website begins with a brilliant brand

Imagine the power of your ripple if your brand identity and website design captured your exact essence for all to see and feel. Using magical tools, like astrology and energy reading, we work together to capture and reflect you in a purpose-driven, inspiring brand. Distilling your new brand across your website and other touchpoints will elevate your vibration, your work and your business –all the while attracting ideal clients.

take a walk through some of my favorite projects by clicking the image

"I just wanted to thank you again for the amazing website. It truly reflects what I’m about! Every time I look at it, I smile. I love sending people to it! I’ve been really booked with shoots which has been great!"
Anita Buzzy Prentiss
Anita Buzzy Prentiss
“Working with Veronica was an absolute dream. Artistic, intuitive and an IT whiz, she distilled my vision through her fun and fascinating branding process into a custom website that exceeded my already-high expectations... I’m loving the end result!”
Gina Mazza
Gina Mazza
Author | Writing Coach
"Wonderful! Finding a great designer can be difficult and it's important to work with someone you can trust. Your website represents YOU as well as your business, so you want a designer who really 'gets you'."
Becky Sams

Your signature website is waiting

are you ready for it?

Let the adventure begin!

The first step on the path to your Signature Website is a free call. During our conversation, we begin to uncover your vision, your goals, and the unique value you bring to your industry. Let's kickstart the journey and make some waves in the digital world!

Let the adventure begin!

The first step on the path to your Signature Brand is a free consultation. Please complete the form and you will be on your way to an authentic, purpose-driven brand!.

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